Sunday, November 7, 2010


Jeremy and I signed up to foster dogs from the Last chance highway-- specifically the Great Pyrenees breed. On Tuesday, we got our first foster Macy, a 4.5 month old 50 Lb great pyr/husky puppy. She is adorable and kind of looks like a baby polar bear BUT she was a terror at first! 50 lbs and a young puppy proves to be a challenge 

We have had some pee-pee issues. Not sure if she was marking territory or confused/scared. For every time she peed in the house we scolded her, put her in her crate, and then after a timeout would take her directly outside. 10 mins later she was peeing again on the carpet..... so frustrating! So, that night while getting ready for bed I had an epiphany-- she was confused by 1. our ways of discipline vs. her past foster 2. she needed positive reinforcement. So day 3 we figured it out! 1. take her out every hr. and 2. constantly baby her w/ no negative tones. So far so good!

She also cries and howls a loud every time you put her in her pin...and don't get me started on the toys she destroys in a matter of minutes.... Frustrated by her energy and toy destruction (thank god not furniture destruction), I ventured to a local feed and farm store and found her a bone the size of her head and couple "tough toys." Worked like a charm! The bone has proven to keep her busy thus far for hours on end-- Thank God!Not to mention she passes out cold when she is done chewing.
As said, it was been a challenge getting used to the new pup, but she is finally (after 5 days) adjusting quite well. Macy & Sakura play great together-- running laps in the backyard. She is a huge cuddle bug -- and I do mean HUGE, & she has become fairly obedient. She has also learned to walk, without pulling, on a leash; which is a necessity to get her adopted. No one wants a 50 lbs puppy ripping their arms out on a walk.

So Cheers to trying new Things, opening up our home, and giving an innocent puppy a chance at life!

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